Wednesday, October 19, 2005

16. The Economist � Sept. 10-16, 1994 � Two camels portraying: �The Trouble with Mergers�
17. Time � June 21, 1968 � Lichtenstein drawing: �The gun in America�
18. ESPN � June 29, 1998 � Michael Jordan jumping against all-white background
19. Esquire � December 2000 � smiling Bill Clinton photo
20. Blue � October 1997 � Man diving
21. Life � November 26, 1965 � Vietcong prisoner with eyes and mouth taped shut: �The blunt reality of war in Vietnam�
22. George � Oct/Nov 1995 � Cindy Crawford dressed as George Washington
23. The Nation � November 13, 2000 � George Bush: What me, worry?
24. Interview � December 1972 � Andy Warhol photographing model for the Christmas issue
25. Time � September 14, 2001 � 9/11: Photo of twin towers terrorist bombing
26. People � March 4, 1974 � Young Mia Farrow biting a strand of pearls, set to star in Gatsby
27. Entertainment Weekly � May 2, 2003 � Nude Dixie Chicks � �Country�s controversial superstars take on their critics�
28. Life � April 16, 1965 � Black and white photo: �Vietcong zero in on vulnerable U.S. copters�
29. (tie) Playboy � October 1971 � African American woman posing on Playboy bunny chair
29. (tie) Fortune � Oct. 1, 2001 � �Up from the ashes�: Man covered in ashes after 9/11 terrorist attacks
31. Newsweek � November 20, 2000 � Half Bush, half Gore photo: �And the winner is��
32. Vogue � May 2004 � Nicole Kidman�s back profile � dress in an elegant gown
33. (tie) Newsweek � July 30, 1973 � �The Nixon Tapes�: Aerial view of the White House turned into a tape recorder
33. (tie) Wired � June 1997 � Apple symbol covered in barbed wire: �Pray�
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